How your baby's growing:

How far along: 34 weeks
Sleep: I will have one good night of sleep and then a couple nights of no sleep. I think my body is preparing me for those long sleepless nights I am about to be in store for.
Maternity Clothes: Seriously?!? The only things I can wear that aren't maternity are pajama pants.
Food Cravings: Sweets, any and all. Cheese Dip. I need to stay away from both. I wish I was craving veggies and healthy stuff. I did turn down some king cake today; that's a start :)
Food aversions: Red Meat, this just isn't going away.
Symptoms I have: Getting tired easily now. If I am doing too much then I will start to have some tightening in my stomach. I just have to do a little at a time instead of trying to do it all at once. Also, woke up this morning with some swelling in my feet. Called the doctor's office and they say it's pretty normal based on where I am in my pregnancy. I just have to keep an eye on it but they look like sausages. LOL
Doctor's Appointment: Every week now. Next one is Thursday, Feb. 23. I get ultrasounds every week also but this weeks weren't that good. He was facing my back so it was difficult to get a good look at him.
Movement: ALL THE TIME!!! People can stare at my stomach and see him moving. He likes to get in the most awkward places too. Not always the most comfortable for me but I will deal so he is as comfortable as he can get. I can only imagine how limited his space is getting now.
Belly Button: Here's hoping it stays and innie but I am losing hope day by day. I don't actually think it will pop out but there is a good chance it will be flat by the end.
What Else?: Had an amazing baby shower last week with some amazing friends. I will post some pictures as soon as I get copies.
I know I am slacking on the nursery update but I am waiting on Nick to finish some painting and I want to get some of the pictures hung before posting. Hopefully, I will have something soon.
34 weeks |
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