The good news is that Brandon doesn't have it nor anyone else I know so there is no telling how I caught it. I am also lucky enough to already have prescription drops as the house so I didn't have to go to the doctor for them to just confirm what I already knew.
Nick took Brandon to daycare yesterday and today because I don't want to take the chance of him catching this. With the house empty I was able to get a lot done with cleaning and laundry so I guess that's a plus. What stinks is that it was a pretty decent day yesterday but I didn't get to enjoy it and today it is going to rain ALL DAY LONG.
I am going to use the day to catch up on all of my shows that I haven't seen in weeks. I may actually have a day to relax and just veg. Can't really do anything else.
Speaking of TV, I was finally talked into watching Downton Abbey and cannot believe I didn't start watching sooner. I have finished both the 1st and 2nd seasons and am now about half way through season 3. Such a wonderfully made and thoughtful show. It is so interesting to see how restrained everyone was during that time period. It also shows how much of a difference there is between the American and British cultures. It's so fascinating to me. Maggie Smith is hysterically funny as Ma Ma. If you haven't started watching you should. I think you will fall in love with it as I and many others have.

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