Before I start about my weekend I have to begin with Friday morning and my epic fall. I was at work and walking back to my car in the parking garage. I had on some pretty tall wedges but I don't actually think they caused me to fall; just my clumsiness really. I had my hands full with purse, keys, portfolio and water and was just walking through the parking garage when BAM, my feet get tangled and I just eat it, Hard. Like keys go flying, scrap up my hand hard. Luckily, I fell on top of my portfolio so what I was wearing didn't get dirty and my face didn't hit the garage floor but oh man was it embarrassing. Luckily, there was no one around to see this happen thank God. Satruday morning I woke up pretty sore though. I bruised the top of my foot pretty bad and I guess did something to my shoulder as it was extremely sore the next morning. Will definitely have to add this fall to my list of EPIC FALLS.
Ok, so about our weekend. Nick and I went to dinner Friday night for Mexican with his parents. Brandon was being such a ham a dinner. There was live entertainment (a woman singing in Spanish) and he was swaying and singing and dancing with the music. Nick and I were going to see a movie afterwards so his parents watching Brandon for us after dinner for a few hours. Not to get off on a tangent but it is so nice to have family close by to help out. Anyways, we went to see Obilvion in IMAX and I must say, best movie I have seen in over a year. Fan-freaking-tastic. So good. Everything about it was awesome. If you haven't seen it yet, please do.
Resting during the dance party Saturday night |
Sunday we did out usual breakfast out and then ventured to the beach for the first time this year. We have been planning to the last few weeks but it just hadn't happened and I was determined to get all of us there this weekend. It was a bit overcast which was nice. We only stayed for about an hour. I didn't want Brandon to get anywhere near burnt and we live only a few miles inland so we will have plenty of trips in the future. This was Brandon's first real trip to the beach. He has been previously but this is really the first time he has played in the sand and run around. He is a little skeptical of the waves so I think we will visit the sound side next time to get him more used to it but other than that it was great. I put all the pictures at the bottom from the beach as there are quite a few.
Sunday evening, we had a fish fry at Nick's parents house for his NaNa's birthday. She celebrated her 78th yesterday. Lots of family, food and fun was had with a house full of peopl
e there to help celebrate.
All in all, it was a great combination of fun activities and relaxation. What all weekends should be.
P.S. I don't think I have every posted about this. Christopher is Nick's 10 year old son from a previous relationship and we tend to have him most weekends throughout the year. Nick and I have been together since Christopher was little so he is like another son to me and is definitely Brandon's big brother.

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