Honestly, my days can vary depending on if I am working or not so I thought I would do a couple of days instead of just one. (BTW, I forgot to do pictures, oops.)
Work Day
6-6:30 am - Brandon is awake
7:00 am - Brandon eats breakfast
7:15-8 am - Everyone gets ready to go for the day
8-8:15 am - Drop Brandon off at daycare
8:45 am - Get to work
9 am - 5 pm - At office
My work day can vary depending on if I have customer appointments or not but for the most part I am working from 9-5.
5:30 pm - Pick Brandon up from daycare
5:45 pm - Home
6:15 - 6:30 pm - Brandon eats dinner
6:45 pm - Brandon get bath
7:30 pm - Brandon goes to bed
8:00 pm - Eat dinner if I didn't eat with Brandon or ours wasn't done yet
8:30 - 11 pm - Relax; watch some shows, catch up on reading
11 pm - Bed for me
Our Usual Sunday
6-6:30 am - Brandon is awake
7:00 am - Brandon eats breakfast
10 am - everyone is usually up by now
10:30 am - Weekend outing for breakfast (Brandon usually eats again here)
11:30 - 1:00 pm - Brandon naps (I usually nap also)
1:30 pm - Lunch
2-5 pm - varies, outside play with Brandon, beach, errands, shopping, etc.
5:30 pm - dinner at Nick's parents
8:00 pm - back home with Brandon to bed
8 - 10 pm - relax; read
11 pm - Bedtime for adults
Since I forgot to do pictures enjoy this preview for a new fall show on ABC. I personally think Rebel Wilson is hysterical and hope this is as well.

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