I feel like there should be some sort of link up on Monday's since talking about our weekends seems to be a theme around here. I need to get on that.
Friday night - not a whole lot going on as I knew Saturday was going to kick me in the tail. Went to dinner at Longhorn's with the fam (myself, Nick, and Brandon). Brandon is getting to the point that going out to eat is becoming an adventure. I feel like we are at that in-between stage with him as he doesn't want to sit in the high chair but he is too small to sit in a booster. It can be a battle. He has now learned how to push himself away from the table in the high chair so we have to keep pulling him back to the table. I am hoping this stage doesn't last very long as we really enjoy eating out at least once a week as a family. Plus, I think it will be good for him in the long run as he will continue to learn how to act in public.
Saturday - Nick went deep sea fishing all day Saturday (it's Snapper season). I worked during the day and then went out on the town for a girl's night. A good friend was in town from NYC so we really made a night of it. Started at Bonefish for some appetizers and martini's then on to the Destin Harbor for some bar hopping. We started at Crazy Lobster at the outside bar as one of my really good friends is the bartender and I knew we would be treated right. We then ventured on to Harry T's, AJ's and the Red Door before I had to call it a night at 2:30am ish. It was a great night with some amazing friends (all of whom I have known since high school). I definitely paid for it the next day though. I literally could not get out of bed before 10:30am and had a ridiculous headache for most of the afternoon.
We all graduated HS together and then went on the FSU together. Such a great group of gals. |
Natalie and Andrew. Hubby and Wifey. Seriously, are they not the cutest couple ever! |
Me and Em |
T-Murph visiting from NYC for a few days. |
My and JRap (ex Roomies) |
Security checking on us asking if we were supposed to be on the boat. We are, we promise. |
Sunday - Well, I spent most of it in bed. Brandon was gracious enough to take a 3 hour nap so even after waking up at 10:30am, I went back to sleep around noon and slept some more until 2:30. We lounged around the house for the majority of the day and then did our regular Sunday night dinner at Nick's parents house. Even better, Brandon only woke up once last night to get a diaper change and slept until 7am this morning. I think he knew I really needed the extra rest after the weekend shenanigans.
So what do you think, would you do a link-up on Monday's about your weekend activities?
I would do a link-up. I was thinking of doing a photo themed Sunday one but I like the idea of a Monday round-up.