I cannot believe that Brandon turned three in March. It like blows my mind how quickly time has passed since he arrived. It is so cliche but I now understand why parents always say that kids grow in the blink of an eye. It truly does feel that way. I do my best to soak up each age as much as I can because I know that Brandon will be my one and only child (barring any surprises).
I am definitely the type of person who makes a big deal about birthdays. I feel like they are mini-holidays for the birthday boy/girl (or ourselves for that matter) where you get to be and do whatever you please for that one day a year, without having to worry about what everyone else thinks.
We are lucky that we live in a home that has a huge backyard to host outdoor parties (land is scarce and expensive here since we are within a stone's throw to the beach). I didn't want to go overboard for this year's birthday like I have for Brandon's previous birthdays where we had 50+ guests.
We decided on a much smaller party this year since we will also be taking Brandon to Atlanta in April for his first Braves baseball game and a few other fun adventures. We kept the guest list under 20, mostly just family and a few very close friends. We enjoyed the warm, summer-like weather and had a cook-out with lots of fun and games. By fun and games, I mean, we all took turns taking the kids for a ride on the SpiderMan Quad and played some baseball with tennis balls in the backyard.
It was a great way to end Brandon's birthday weekend!

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