If you are following along, our first stop for our family vacation was the Georgia Aquarium. Our next stop was Legoland. This was a definite spur of the moment decision to visit here and I'm so glad we did. I was able to purchase tickets online for $15 a person so we essentially got 3 tickets for the price of two as they were $5 off online. We spent a good portion of our afternoon hanging out in Legoland. Brandon LOVED it. Like, was so mad we had to leave loved it.
Unfortunately, he wore flip flops instead of tennis shoes so he didn't have any socks and was unable to play in one of the areas but that didn't stop us from having a blast. We tried to watch the Lego 3D movie that they had but Brandon wasn't having it and we had to leave about 5 minutes in. It was too scary for him as he said so instead we went back to the main area and built some tall buildings and raced lego cars down some ramps.
Nick was able to get Brandon on his very first amusement ride, Merlin's Apprentice, and Brandon seriously enjoyed it. You were supposed to peddle to make the seats go higher in the air but Brandon's feet didn't reach the peddles so you just saw his little legs moving in circles in the air. It was adorable. Luckily, Daddy was there to help and got them as high as they could go. We also took a ride on the Kingdom Quest Laser Ride and each got a laser gun to shoot all of the bad guys and save the Princess.
This was a excellent way to spend a rainy afternoon in Atlanta. If you are planning to go, make sure to purchase your tickets ahead of time online as they do not always have availability if you just walk up to purchase tickets.
Next Up on the Atlanta Trip: Braves Game

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